Become a Sponsor
As the dedicated and independent voice of InsurTech, AITC seeks to attract new sponsors that share the organization’s mission and commitment to advocacy for the interests of InsurTechs among state and federal policymakers.
Our sponsors will be actively engaged, drive AITC policy, and work to create standards that drive the InsurTech industry forward.
Independent Voice of InsurTech
The American InsurTech Council (AITC) is the independent voice of InsurTech, uniting legacy insurers, start-ups, developers and technologists, and other sponsors in a single organization dedicated to InsurTech issues. Only AITC provides its sponsors a voice in their future by enabling them to speak in a single voice on issues vital to their future with federal and state policymakers including state insurance regulators and organizations such as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC).
AITC sponsors also benefit from an experienced leadership team that includes a former state legislator, former insurance regulators, senior insurance executives, and other industry professionals with proven track records of success. These industry leaders are thoroughly familiar with state insurance regulation and the process of legislative and regulatory policymaking. They bring decades of experience running coalitions and trade associations, including technology associations that have been at the forefront in influencing policy, legislation, and regulation at the state and federal level.
Contact us to find out more about what AITC can do for you.
Sponsorship Benefits
AITC will maintain a consistent presence at the NAIC, National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) and other organizations on all matters and issues of importance to InsurTechs.
AITC sponsors help guide policy development, communications, and advocacy on InsurTech issues before federal and state legislators, regulators, and organizations such as the NAIC.
Regular conference calls and in-person meetings that will keep your organization up to date on the latest developments at the state and federal level. Meetings that include networking opportunities with other InsurTech companies, including technology platforms, receive updates from business incubators, and discuss common issues and concerns.
AITC sponsors will also have direct connectivity with other stakeholders in the insurtech ecosystem, providing networking opportunities with other InsurTech companies.