Our Purpose
The American InsurTech Council (AITC) is an independent advocacy organization dedicated to advancing the public interest through the development of ethical, technology-driven innovation in insurance. AITC provides a focal point for policy development and thoughtful deliberation on issues that are vital to the development of insurtech, including diversity, equity and inclusion. Through its advocacy efforts, AITC advances the public policy interests of insurtechs, insurance carriers, brokers, and other stakeholders by providing policy research, education, outreach to policymakers, with the general public and across all lines of insurance. AITC provides a fresh approach and thought leadership guiding policy development, strategic counsel, communications, and advocacy before federal and state legislators and regulators, and organizations such as the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, National Council of Insurance Legislators, American Legislative Exchange Council, National Conference of State Legislatures, and the states. Based in Washington D.C., the majority of activities and leadership for the organization will be carried out in the states where issues involving insurance status, regulatory modernization, equitable treatment of consumers, filings and product availability are managed on a daily basis.
Insurtech Benefits the Public Interest
Insurance is the cornerstone of the U.S. economy. Promoting a modern approach to regulatory policy that advances the digital transformation of insurance is vital to ensuring global competitiveness for commercial purchasers of insurance, economic growth, and financial protection for American families.
Insurtech Needs an Organization Dedicated to Its Interests
The number of issues and regulatory obstacles that will need to be addressed to facilitate the InsurTech-led transformation of insurance will only continue to increase. AITC is dedicated to navigating those regulatory waters and clearing obstacles.
Advance the interests of insurtechs and their key stakeholders
Legacy insurers and insurtechs need a dedicated forum to identify, prioritize and advance needed changes to the current system of insurance regulation in the U.S.
Realizing insurtechs’ potential will require a modern regulatory system built for digital commerce. This will not happen automatically. U.S. insurance regulators and legislators will need assistance from an organization with a deep understanding of insurance regulation as well as the unique needs and challenges presented by insurtechs. No such voice currently exists.
Function as a forum for insurtech start-ups and investors to be educated and mentored by seasoned insurance professionals on U.S. regulatory expectations and requirements, thereby reducing the risk of investments in great ideas that could never pass regulatory scrutiny.
Develop the regulatory & policy solutions that will be needed and advocating for those in state government and elsewhere
U.S. insurance regulators are now focused on insurtech issues, though admitting privately that they do not understand the technology or the regulatory implications long-term. Policymakers will require assistance developing and implementing a coherent strategic plan to modernize U.S. regulation.
AITC bridges the gap between insurance regulation and insurtech innovation. AITC is perfectly positioned to work effectively with regulators to promote sound regulatory policy solutions.
Resist highly entrenched interests that prefer the status quo
Opposition can only be overcome by a highly organized, dedicated and well-funded effort that is laser-focused on insurtech innovation and not distracted by other issues and concerns.
The American InsurTech Council Leadership Team
• Jack Friou. ( jfriou@americaninsurtech.com) 40+ years as a senior executive at Aflac with leadership roles in Government Relations, Compliance, Marketing and Administration.
• Scott Harrison. ( sharrison@americaninsurtech.com ) 30+ years’ experience as a trusted advisor to insurers and state insurance regulators on cutting-edge management, emerging risk, operational and regulatory matters. Served in senior regulatory positions in New York and Delaware.
• Teri Hernandez. (thernandez@americaninsurtech.com) 30 years’ experience with a proven track record developing and executing marketing strategies for legal and insurance firms.
• Thomas Mays. (tmays@americaninsurtech.com) 35+ years’ public and private sector experience, including 25+ years managing Government Relations at Pacific Life Insurance Company. Former Member, California State Assembly.
• J.P. Wieske. ( jpwieske@americaninsurtech.com ) 25+ years’ experience as a nationally recognized expert on regulatory policy, including service as Deputy Insurance Commissioner for the State of Wisconsin.